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Bug bei Finanzfunktionen?

Beitrag von raymondbrown »

The Shock Value of Fashion: Insights into The Certified Racist Tee

With the changing landscape of fashion, there has been a massive inclination toward using provocative and controversial attire. One striking instance that challenges taste and social commentaries is the Certified Racist T Shirt. This paper critically evaluates the shock value associated with fashion through the case study of this T-shirt by tracing its roots, impacts on society, and ethical concerns.

A Deep pe into the Certified Racist Shirt

This garment fits within the more significant trend in the fashion industry, whereby designers use provocative statements to bring issues into focus and spark discourses. The T-shirt tackles current and sensitive issues, so it can stand out and be issued regardless of the controversy that might come with it.

Provocative Appeal and Strategy in Fashion

Provocative fashion is nothing new; it has made a habit of breaking out of the mold that society and expectations have set. Most designers resort to shocking images or statements that would raise attention and set them apart.

In such a light, this fabulous shirt is an extension of this art—merely using shock value as a publicity stunt. Its charm lies in how easily it can catch one's attention and stimulate conversation, even at the cost of controversy. This strategy is tailored to appeal to audiences who value disruption in fashion and bold step changes; it generates both fan and criticism.


It is a provocative and satirical take on serious themes

Navigating the Controversy: Public Reactions and Social Media

The public reaction to the Certified Racist Shirt has been varied, indicative of how complex provocation in fashion is. Social media is rife with discussions regarding this shirt, and such reviews run from very high levels of support to vehement criticism. For proponents, this shirt might spike a conversation about race and other important socially relevant issues. Proponents will treat it as social commentary that challenges attitudes and provokes awareness.

On the other hand, critics blast the shirt as belittling substantial matters of racism and discrimination. Sure enough, provocative T-shirts, they say, characterize and perpetuate harmful stereotypes that offend and violate groups of people who have been historically marginalized by society. That online debate reflects a hotly contested equilibrium between freedom of speech and social responsibility.

The Provocative Fashion Ethical Dilemma

The T-shirt labeled "Certified Racist" points out important ethics in fashion design. Designers and brands face a significant challenge: how to maintain the balance between creative expression and social welfare. Such provocative fashion can hold a forceful tool for opening wide discourse and challenging conventions in society, but it also contains the effects of harming people.

The ethical dilemma lies in the fine line between using fashion as a medium for making a social commentary and not being insensitive or exploitative. A designer should be able to engage thoughtfully with the potential impact of a work.


The shirt’s bold, provocative design makes a strong statement

Impact on Brand Image and Market Position

Like this tee, controversial apparel creates a high stake in an image. It could raise an intense stake in a brand's image or its positioning within the market. The shock value of such clothing—the brands that enable and encourage inpiduals to make bold, provocative statements—increases visibility and customer engagement.

However, it risks a backlash from consumers who might find this apparel offensive or inappropriate. Brands will need to modulate the benefits associated with increased exposure against the risks of negative sentiment and long-term loss of reputation. This influence on brand image shows how crucial strategic decision-making is in incorporating provocation in fashion.

Provocative Fashion: Trends and Considerations into the Future

With fashion evolving, one can expect provocative statements and controversial themes. The Certified Racist T Shirt Making a Satirical Statement Against Racism is but a case study on how fashion shall challenge societal norms—a clothesline provokes a stern response. Indeed, moving forward becomes a matter of treading that thin line between creativity and responsibility for any designer or brand.

It is expected that, in days to come, more emphasis will be cast on emerging trends within ethical considerations and inclusive fashion design, thereby pushing consumer demand for socially proactive and respectful apparel. Understanding the dynamics of provocative fashion means undertaking meaningful and responsible approaches toward designing it in times to come.


This fantastic T-shirt proves the point of shock value in provocative fashion. In this case, such clothes cause controversy and ignite debate, thus shifting societal norms. However, this also raises several ethical questions regarding the role of fashion in bringing up complex issues. As fashion continues to dabble in provocative themes, designers must wade into the subjects with sensitivity and awareness. Responsible and more thoughtful fashion styles might emerge by reflecting on the controversy present within apparel and considering general implications.
Zuletzt geändert von raymondbrown am Mo, 26.08.2024 10:33, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
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Registriert: So, 14.05.2017 16:11

Re: Bug bei Finanzfunktionen?

Beitrag von Mondblatt24 »


Code: Alles auswählen

=ZINSSATZ("1990-01-15"; "2002-05-05"; 1000000; 2000000; 3)
Win 11 (x64) ▪ LibreOffice (x64) ▪ AOO Portable 4.1.15
Wurde die Frage zutreffend beantwortet bitte den Betreff der Eingangsfrage mit [GELÖST] ergänzen. Beschreibung
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Registriert: Fr, 17.07.2020 19:45

Re: Bug bei Finanzfunktionen?

Beitrag von HeritzP »


mit Zellbezügen als Datum geht es.

Code: Alles auswählen

=ZINSSATZ(G11;G12; 1000000; 2000000; 3)
LibreOffice nimmt auch Texte an.
Gruß HeritzP
Beiträge: 792
Registriert: Do, 25.10.2012 07:25

Re: Bug bei Finanzfunktionen?

Beitrag von paljass »

früher ging das auch mal in OpenOffice. Ohne Datumsangaben in Extra-Zellen geht

Code: Alles auswählen

Gruß und guten Rutsch
EDV ist wie U-Boot fahren - machst du ein Fenster auf, fangen die Probleme an.
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Registriert: Mo, 08.09.2014 21:34
Wohnort: Berlin

Re: Bug bei Finanzfunktionen?

Beitrag von Hiker »

raymondbrown hat geschrieben: Fr, 29.12.2023 03:12 ...
Das Format der Zelle ist auch richtig eingestellt.
Kennt jemand den Fehler ...
Lösungen stehen ja schon oben, daher nur noch der Hinweis, dass das Zellformat nur die Anzeige beeinflusst, nicht den Wert mit dem gerechnet wird.

In der Zelle steht bei einem erkannten Datum, die Anzahl der Tage seit dem 30.12.1899. Formatiere eine Zelle als Dezimalzahl und Du siehst meist Werte um 44000. Das sind die Werte mit denen gerechnet wird.

Ist eine Ansammlung von Zeichen nicht als Datum erkannt worden, wird sie als Text interpretiert, woran ein Format nichts ändert. ( Denk an Telefonnummern oder Postleitzahlen 040 1234567 oder 01234 und auch +49301234567, die alle unverändert bleiben müssen.)
Libre Office 6.3.1 (Win 10 Pro) / Libre Office 6.0.7 (Win8.1 Pro, Win 7 Pro) / AOO (Win 7)